Why is Herbalism Training and Integral Part of Our Doula Certification Program?

Why is Herbalism Training and Integral Part of Our Doula Certification Program?




      As the popularity of Doulas in modern society experiences a resurgence so too the standardization and regulations begin to affect the education and practices of Doulas. With all of the fear that can be created by the power dynamic of the health care system, many certifying bodies feel the pressure to greatly limit the amount of knowledge and practical skills offered in their respective Doula training programs. 
     However, we at the Original Instructions School are persistently dedicated to the quality and truly holistic education of our students. We understand that the basic knowledge of how to recognize, interact with, and benefit from nutritive herbal medicine and foods that are readily available in your area is not the intellectual property of anyone but belongs to all of the people. 
     In order for Doulas to act as a true resource and advocate for mothers and their families we believe that they require at least a basic understanding of how to nourish, support and cleanse the female body in the same way our mothers have for generations; 


           with the help of medicinal foods, teas, steams, and baths.