Congratulations on beginning your journey as an
Module 1 (Pregnancy, Labor and Birth) Required Reading List

Below is a list of the
books which we require you to have read in order to receive your certification for our
Module 1 (Pregnancy, Labor and Birth) Doula training course with the Original Instructions School. This collection of writing was made possible through the diligent work of our colleagues, elders, and ancestors. May you find value in their words and add their meaning to your practice.
Childbirth Wisdom From the World's Oldest Societies by Judith Goldsmith
Mama Bamba by Robyn Sheldon
Spiritual Midwifery by Ina May Gaskin
Birth Reborn by Michel Odent
Hygieia; a Woman's Herbal by Jeannine Parvati-Baker
The Woman in the Shaman's Body by Barbara Tedlock
When Survivors Give Birth by Simkin and Klaus