Original Instructions educator Brittany Jade Gelinas along with other guest instructors will train and inform attendees how to support and advocate for mothers and their families during
We offer our Doula certification program in two modules:
Why two modules? We understand that modern-day Doulas are currently stepping up to fill a role that was (and still is in parts of the world) previously occupied by grandmothers, aunties and a tightly woven community of neighbors. In modern westernized cultures the threads that make up the tapestry of our community can be woven so far apart that mothers are often left feeling isolated and overwhelmed. The job one modern-day Doula was originally created by many community members working together and therefore the training of a Doula must be extensive and not separate from developing a sufficient skill set for working with the postpartum period and lactation.
Because we believe in the power of education we did not want to limit the number of training hours our students receive and at the same time, we aim to keep our 2-day long certification workshops accessible to people who may have other time commitments.
Our two module design also gives our students the freedom to choose if they would like to expand their fields of certification to the postpartum period and lactation by attending module 2 or if they prefer to focus on their certification as a birth Doula from the completion of module 1.
These two modules are designed to be attended as part one and two of our incredibly comprehensive Doula Certification. However, if you have extensive previous experience working with pregnancy and birth or the postpartum period and lactation and wish to attend only module 1 or module 2 that can be arranged upon confirmation of your work background relevant to the field of practice.