Receive your certification while in a breathtaking environment. Spring of ‘23 we will be journeying to the Sacred Valley of Cuzco Peru - home of the Quechua Nation, and origin of the lineage of Traditional Womb Care which our TUM™ certification training is based off of.
Join us for an unforgettable initiation into the world of traditional Well Womb Care and related practices. Our Original Instructions Immersion retreats are designed so that you will receive your certification training over the course of the first 3 days of your retreat, and will go on to have hands-on Immersion practice over the next 7 days. As always with our Original Instructions School events, we will be employing local Indigenous people and learning direckykt from the source.
If you have already received your Traditional Uterine Massage and Well Womb Care certification training with the Original Instructions School (even if you have not graduated) you may use code 580OFF to receive a discount from the tuition cost from the overall retreat.
10 Day Itinerary Sample
Day 2:
Day 3:
Day 4:
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