Eco Sensual : Trauma Informed Herbalism and Advocacy Self Paced Course (50 Hr Certificate of Completion)

A trauma-informed training for facilitators and community members within altered states of consciousness.

Dedicated to Survivors.

Eco Sensual is interactive training and certification centered in community.  Join Brittany Jade Wilson of the Original Instructions School and Mikaela de la Myco of the mushWOMB for an effective, powerful and transformative trauma informed herbalism and advocacy course.

With Eco Sensual, you'll learn how to: 

  • facilitate healing in trauma-informed ways
  • advocate for survivors
  • maintain integrity in your practice
  • establish a standard of ethics in your community
  • accumulate valuable and comprehensive knowledge of herbs to help yourself and others

What's Included in Eco Sensual

  • 15 Module Digital Course
  • Eco Sensual Online Community
  • Certificate of Completion
  • 45 Minute Mentorship Calls
  • 13 Hands-on Guided Practicums

ECO Sensual is an interactive herbalism and advocacy certification for humans who facilitate and who experience healing within altered states of consciousness: from traditional shamanic spaces to clinical psychedelic settings and altered states of all kinds. ​​